I’m finally back with an interview for Curious About Screenwriting! I know, I’ve been lagging behind and it’s been a bit since I’ve presented interviews in our regular series here, but I’m very happy to have brought on writer/director, Nadia Litz. Her recent feature release, The People Garden, is well worth the viewing and we dig in to a lot of the behind scenes details on what it took to make and release the film. The reason I enjoy bringing on writer/directors like Nadia is because of the level of inherent inspiration that comes along with it. She’s in the trenches and she’s doing what she loves, finding ways to reveal her voice to the industry at large, and really, she isn’t any different then you listening right now. The steps she took to produce and release her recent film are available to you, but the distinct difference and what helps set Nadia apart is her understanding of self and why she’s doing what she’s doing. There is no greater or more important practice in this entertainment industry than working on developing your voice, your uniqueness, and how you fit within this giant world of movies and screenwriting. Nadia is well on her way and it was great having her on.
In terms of future episodes of Curious About Screenwriting and the reason why I’ve been a bit slower to release podcast episodes – including my solo series called The Craft – is because the ISA and I have been launching a ton of new resources for writers. We recently had our Story Weekend of seminars and workshops with three top consultants, Pilar Alessandra, Chris Vogler, and Lee Jessup. I also recently started the second round of the ISA Master Class where I work with writers one on one in the classroom, AND on top of that, we have released the online version of that Master Class for those of you not in Los Angeles. You can go to www.thecraftcourse.com to see the various class options there. What’s the purpose of all of this? The ISA is taking an education-centric approach to supporting you because without continual practice, continual dedication to your own craft of writing, you’re spinning your wheels. Take an education-first approach to your writing and I promise you will see your writing career swiftly move forward.
So on that education note, here’s my interview with Nadia Litz – it’s worth the listen, and her film, The People Garden, is worth the viewing. Enjoy and you’ll be hearing from me soon.